Books by and about Lawrence of Arabia
Illus., adverts; 48pp.Includes 'The Desert of the Wanderings' by Sir Charles M. Watson, which menti..
Illus.; 49-100pp.This issue contains "The Desert of the Wanderings. Report on the Survey by the Pal..
concerning his manuscript of reminscences which he has just completedT.W. Beaumont, No. 1 Vickers M..
mentions his reminscences are not considered to be viable publishing project.T.W. Beaumont, No. 1 Vi..
Illus., maps, appendices, index; xii+298pp.Study of Arabia and Ibn Saud, often critical of British p..
16 colour and 116 black and white illus.; 224pp.The story of the European explorers in Arabia...
308pp.A novel about the relationship between Lawrence and the poet, James Elroy Flecker...
Half-title, 5 double-page maps; 352pp.Edouard Bremond [1868-1948], a regular officer of the French a..
Illus., map, index; 239pp...
Colour Frontispiece, index; 327pp...
2pp article, extracted from Spectator, 12 May 1961; some underlining in pen.Childers B. Erskine [192..
Colour and black and white illus., index; 483pp...
Frontis. portrait, plates, folding colour maps, text illus., numerous appendices, index; 674pp.Unabr..
Numerous colour illus., index; 192pp...
Maps, index; 178pp.Contains references to T.E. Lawrence...
Showing 1 to 15 of 47 (4 Pages)